You can make a stand for faith, life, family and freedom in the ACT!

Your support is vital in helping your Family First candidates establish themselves and your party’s brand ahead of the next election. 

 With your generous gift, you're giving your candidates a head start as they boldly speak out for faith, life, family and freedom.  

 This early action is so important because it allows your Family First to stand against the tide of woke ideology and ensure that traditional family values are protected. 

 Your gift will make a real difference in this fight as it enables your candidates to: 

  • Recruit and resource an army of field volunteers who’ll take your message from house to house. 
  • Spread awareness about your Family First's positive plan through powerful advertising campaigns. 
  • Train and equip bold, credible and articulate candidates who’ll make a strong stand for your values across Australia. 

By giving today, you're ensuring that this campaign isn't left until the last minute.  

Together, you and I can raise a much-needed voice for faith, life, family and freedom so future generations of Australians can flourish.

Ray Hentzschel
ACT Campaign Director



Political Donations in the ACT

Political donations for ACT political entities are regulated by the Electoral Act 1992 (ACT) (‘the Act’). Sections 222F-222Q of the Electoral Act 1992 (ACT) (‘the Act’) bans some potential donors from giving gifts to ACT political entities from accepting gifts from prohibited donors. Prohibited donors are certain property developers and their close associates, foreign entities; and any person who acts on behalf of a property developer, a close associate of a property developer or a foreign entity.

 Also in accordance with the Act, all donations totalling $1000.00 AUD or more per financial year from a single donor entity will be reported and publicly disclosed by the ACT Electoral Commissioner.

By submitting a donation, I confirm that I am not a prohibited donor as defined under the Act.

  • If we receive a donation from an unfamiliar donor, Family First will reach out to ensure the donation is not prohibited. If their donation is greater than $1000, the name and donation details will be reported to ACT Electoral Commission for public disclosure.
  • All gifts-in-kind and gifts-of-money donations are reported to comply with the disclosure obligations for all donations received by MLAs, candidates and prospective candidates.